Make your brand experience a series of light bulb moments.
The kind where your customers will seamlessly go through.
The kind where they will never forget and proudly tell others about.
The kind where they feel you are the clear choice out of many.
The way to become that memorable is to stand out from the get go.
How? By simply looking what's already out there and create something meaningfully different.
And then? Bring your brand to life.
The reality check part. We'll analyze where your brand is at right now relative to your goals and competitors.
The insights mining part. We'll do a brand strategy workshop to dig deeper into what makes you meaningfully different beyond having distinctive brand visual assets. So you can resonate with the right kind of people.
The aesthetics part. We'll design your brand visual identity system.
The unveiling part. Your new brand is now ready to earn that VIP spot in your customers' minds.
I'm deeply grateful to Folgen for their exceptional work on our visual identity project. Their effective and proven processes resulted in a truly unique logo that perfectly represents our brand. The deep thinking and meaning behind the symbol is something I especially appreciate. We were able to launch our project quickly and in style, thanks to Folgen’s skillful design work.
The vision and mission of our architectural studio is represented through the logo that Folgen designed exactly what we wanted to be. We hope that the logo will make our architecture studio easily recognizable and attract clients.